
Importing data to 3ds max is fundamental to try to reproduce the real world in 3d environment.

I made two scripts SPline CSV IO (Import/Export) and Import Geo.

SPline CSV IO can import or export data to/from regular CSV file.

Import Geo can import geographic coordinates (longitude,latitude and Altitude).
The coordinate system is the same of Google Earth ( WGS84; EPSG:4326 ). The cordinates are in decimal format (Long , Lat) Altitude are in meters.

For Download & Install go to Home section.

How to Use: Go to “utilities” tab (hammer) –> MAXscripts->Utilities

This script needs a register file to work to receive the file I ask a small donation.
After you install and try to open you get a window with your MachineID send this (with spaces) to to receive instructions to activate.

Import Geo

When import the script move points to center of 3DS MAX. After import the script create a hidden object “TRACK_CENTER_MESH”. This object don’t have points only store the center of imported data. Why this? because when you import other data they will match with the existing ones.

When open the script if the object “TRACK_CENTER_MESH” exist will take center saved in the object.

Options and Functions.


[] Close spline: Creates a open or close line
() Vertex type: Point type
() Segment type: Line type
Interpolation steps: define smooth of line

KML path/Polygon

KML file: Select the path of kml file.
[ Import KML ]: Import the kml file


GPX file: Select the path of gpx file.
[ Import GPX ]: Import the gpx file.


CSV file: Select the path of csv file.
[] Motec csv: Import CSV from Motec.
[ Import CSV ]: Import the csv file.

skip points: Define the number of points to skip.
Scale: Scale coordinates ( 1.0 = 100%)
[] Don't calculate Center: If checked the script don't create center mesh.
[] ReCenter Z value: If checked calcualtes center for Z values (altitude).

Simple, Free Image and File Hosting at MediaFire
Import Images Tiles

Image file: Select the path of image file.
Height (Z pos): Define the Z position of image.
[] Create UVW Mapping: Creates a UVW modifier. Don't use the image object is mapping.
[ SAS jpg+kml ]: Import image and kml file from SASplanet.
[ SAS jpg+ kml folder ]: Import all images from a folder from SASplanet.
[] Load All levels: If checked load all images levels from KML image.
[KML Image ]: Load KML image. For example a overaly image in Google Earth.






This scrip import/Export regular CSV files. Are text files with columns of data separated by commas, semicolon or spaces.

Export Splines
Select splines and press “Get Selected Splines”
Axis: check axis to export

Import Spline
Z value: If checked the Z value is for of all spline (flat).
Delimited char: Is the character used for separation columns.

Download v1.1

Install: Copy files to <MAXdir>/scripts/startup
How to Use: Go to “utilities” tab (hammer) –> MAXscripts->Utilities



Import GEO Video Tutorials